1849 Flat Shoals Road SE, Conyers, Georgia, USA, 30013
About Us
Summitridge Enterprises, Inc. wants to make sure you have the best experience while using the Conduit Rat™. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the Conduit Rat™ or how to become a Conduit Rat™ reseller.
Our Story
Several years ago, we were working on a new church building in Georgia and were trying to get our fish tape to go through a 3/4″ PVC conduit pipe. Our goal was to pull wires to an HVAC air handler, which was 160′ away from the distribution panel. We had pushed the fish tape 155′, where there were other bends before the distribution panel, and suddenly the end of the fish tape got stuck. We tried every trick that we could think of; we shook it, we twisted it, we pulled the fish tape back and quickly pushed the fish tape as hard as we could towards the distribution panel, but the fish tape kept getting hung up at the same place.
Our of other options, we cut the PVC pipe, pulled the fish tape through, and then installed a coupler to repair and glued the PVC pipe back together. After 3 1/2 hours, we finally got the end of the fish tape to the distribution panel, fastened the wires to the end of the fish tape, and pulled the wires back to the air handler. If we had the CONDUIT RAT™ at the beginning, this task could have been completed in 30-45 minutes.
Summitridge Enterprises, Inc. was started as a new venture and a reminder that with hard work you can accomplish anything. Often times, when one is faced with a problem, they seek a solution. We encountered a problem and created our solution with CONDUIT RAT™. We hope that our invention will solve some of your electrical fish tape problems and save you money.
The CONDUIT RAT™ will save you time and money!

(678) 776-2163
Summitridge Enterprises, Inc.